(ISM) انجمن میکروب شناسی ایران  
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ISM Aims and PurposesSendPrint Back

The basic goals and objectives of ISM are:

1.     Improving the diagnosis, the care of patients with infectious diseases, the training of microbiologists, clinicians and researchers in infectious diseases and microbiology, and the control of infectious diseases.

2.     Improving treatment and prevention of infection-related diseases.

3.     Advance information in health care and research in health.
4.     Promote and support research, education, training, and good medical practice.

5.     Increase the knowledge of infectious diseases through research and enhance the professional development of individuals in this discipline.

6.     Transfer technical expertise in infectious diseases and microbiology.

Iranian Society of Microbiology

In 1966, a group of microbiologists, realizing the need for an organization dedicated to study of microbiology in the country. After Islamic revolution of Iran, Iranian Society of Microbiology (ISM) was formally organized on 1996 as a scientific assembly for the exchange of research and clinical information in microbiology open to any interested individual.  Read more>>

Magazine: Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology Label  

Introducing the pioneers

Dr. Mohammadbagher Khalili
He was born in Yazd , Iran , 1950. He finished his elementary courses in Yazd and moved to united states of America for study in experimental sc ienses . he was graduate student of Chemistry and biology during 1976 to 1981 in APSU university of Tenesee . he postgraduted from same university in microbiology during 1982 to 1984. He finally received his PhD title from Schefield university UK in clinical microbiology .


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Tel: 88632456-021
E-Mail : Info@Ism.ir
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ministry of health and medical education iran
Medical Council of Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian scientific association of clinical laboratory
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